Here are some of the friends that not only have put up with hearing all the details of the 'house' for the last 18 months, but ALSO showed up on a Sunday morning to help start carrying some of the boxes and stuff!!
We have scheduled the contract signing date for November 13 and the UFFICIAL delivery date will be NOVEMBER 15. Considering the past "false alarms" we wont believe it till we'll see the home keys in our hands... keep your finger crossed...
Those green things on the ground are meant to protect the grass from car tyres, so we can drive a little bit further than the cement driveway without damaging the lawn. It will be not all over! just 2-3 sq.meters.
To cut a long story short, few days ago we realized that the 160 Euro kitchen faucet had gone missing. to be precise SOMEONE found it too beautiful for our sink, thinking that on HIS SINK it probably looked better. The son of a "gun" stole it! We wish all the water he'll drink coming from our former faucet will instantly give him the runs (cacarella) especially at night...... Luckily the builder was so kind as to pay for a replacement for the same value. Here's the pic of the new faucet in place.
Ok, that's it with the fireplace. this will be the very last pic posted about it. it is FINAL: painted aond ready to be used. In the othe rpic, you can see the 2 entrances of the gates, the big one for the car and the small one for people.-